Sunday, May 4, 2008

TAURUS -- The New Moon of Beauty and Light

The beauty of forward motion: The next two weeks are the perfect time to activate forward movement in your life -- sustained by accessing your sensuality with the New Moon in Taurus and the Hand Analysis Skill set of Living Through the Five Senses.

TAURUS -- The New Moon of Beauty and Light
Monday, May 5, 2008, 5:18 am PDT


Your day has begun. You're getting out of bed. Stop. Breathe. Look at something beautiful. Perhaps your eye lands on a picture in your room. Perhaps you have flowers in a vase. You can even close your eyes and imagine something or someone beautiful. Take three deep breaths, focusing on your heart. And only now, go make your English muffin.

The New Moon in Taurus offers the opportunity to stabilize and replenish through beauty. Venus is the ruler of Taurus and offers the natural world or the beauty of the physical world as one of the most bounteous and lovely ways to replenish the spirit. Beauty! Beauty! Beauty! Breathe it in.

The key with Taurus is that once you have really SEEN the beauty that underlies everything and once you are filled with that beauty, you can't help but be irresistibly moved forward on a particularly beautiful path. Vulcan (an undiscovered planet) is the soul-centered ruler of Taurus and it is a planet that powerfully impresses us with will and power. It constructively and steadfastly aids our purpose. Each of is here for a reason, after all. Each of us has a gift of light to offer. Vulcan offers the power of persistence and strength to actually do something.

Now is the time for forward movement in your life. Hand Analysis offers the perfect skill set to help sustain that movement. Living through the five senses. In Hand Analysis, we look at beauty as a visceral expression of your five senses; sight, smell, sound, touch and taste.

Here's how it works: Your sustained forward motion lasts only as long as you are able to feed your five senses -- literally -- by living sensually.

Think of it as taking your multi-vitamin in the morning to help sustain you through your day.

Nurturing your sensuality is not a luxury. Feeding your five senses is a vital part of your daily life.

Don't let this happen to you: Burnout.

You know the symptoms; exhaustion, resentment, feeling that you -- and only you -- are carrying the world on your shoulders. It is very common to see this in our clients. Well-intentioned folk who are working their butts off to try to get ahead -- and sacrificing self-care in the process.

Recently, Lynn attended a baby shower for a wonderfully popular mom-to-be. There were 40 women there to celebrate. What struck Lynn was how focused the women were -- seemingly they were all in the working business world. The shower was scheduled during a mid-week lunch hour. The topic of conversation was about their jobs and careers. Then they settled down to watch the guest of honor open her presents. It was amazing how the energy in the room shifted with every box that was opened. There was a collective sigh, ooh, ahh, as each booty, blanket, towel and robe was revealed. It was a visceral experience. It was clear -- these women were hardwired to provide wonderful, loving, soft, eye-pleasing, clean-smelling, sweet-sounding, safe items with careful consideration of an infant's sensory experience. Somewhere along the line, there is a disconnect between understanding how vital that is for a baby and addressing the same needs in adulthood.

The next two weeks are the perfect time to build a stronger connection to nurturing your sensuality.

Try this:

Write down a list of your five senses:

• Sight
• Sound
• Smell
• Touch
• Taste

Now, take three deep breaths and settle in.

Next to each sense listed, write down the things that give you the strongest responses in that area.

• For Sight, it may be your favorite colors or favorite types of light -- sunlight, moonlight, candle light.

• For Sound, it may be bird songs, Spanish classical guitar music or the constant sound of planes flying overhead. (When Lynn's family moved from Queens, NY to a quiet town, her 7-year-old brother wasn't able to go to sleep without the sound of planes at night.)

• For Smell, it may be lilacs, rose, sandalwood, baking apple pie, BBQ ribs.

• For Touch, it may be your sheets or towels or lukewarm water.

• For Taste, it may be melted chocolate, fresh blueberries, homemade whipped cream, BBQ ribs.

Ask yourself how you can incorporate your favorite things into your daily life. The next two weeks provide extra support in this area. Now is the time to act.

Let us know what you have incorporated into your life. Let us know how your life is moving forward. It's a very exciting time now. We would love to hear from you (just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog)!

Coming up on the Horizon:
It's the gathering of like-minded souls for the betterment of the world with the Full Moon in Gemini on May 20th and the Hand Analysis skill set of Making a Worldly Impact.

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