Wednesday, February 20, 2008

PISCES -- The Full Moon of Compassion

Surround Sound: The next two weeks are the perfect time to reflect on your internal connection to everything that surrounds us with the Full Moon in Pisces and the introduction to Hand Analysis' Line of Clairvoyance.

PISCES -- The Full Moon of Compassion
Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 7:30 pm PST


Here we are -- pre-Spring, post holidays and already two solid months into the New Year. Many of you may have begun your year with gusto. Last month, hopefully, you were exploring your true community. But now, we enter a quieter, more reflective time.

The Pisces full moon is a time to retreat and listen. That is, it's time to find your sanctuary and spend some good solid time there. Perhaps as you read this, you think, "I don't even know where or what my sanctuary is." Well, this is the month to find out. We all need to find a way to "hook up" to a source that is greater than us. Pisces not only rules that boundary-less source, it also rules the ways in which we connect with it.

For some, your sanctuary is a room in your home devoted to writing, meditating or listening. For others, your sanctuary is the beach or mountains. Heidi's husband might very well say his sanctuary is wherever he is doing his daily work-out. Pisces says, "Plug in, refuel and above all, be compassionate with yourself as you do this."

There is a marking in the hand that speaks specifically to hooking up to this source. It is called the Line of Clairvoyance and it reflects that part of you that knows you are connected to the supportive energetic network that links every living being.

The strength of your connection to this network will determine how supported you feel, how much you feel part of your surroundings, and how much your life effortlessly flows in a positive direction.

This connection can show up in a myriad of ways. It may be in that sixth sense you have with people, that lightness you feel when you meditate or how you feel when you take a walk in nature.

Sure fire signs that you have been taken out of your connection are when you feel like either you or everyone around you is a freak, and you feel stagnant in your life -- not moving forward.

The Line of Clairvoyance is a crescent-shaped line that runs the length of the palm, encasing the fleshy part of the hand beneath the pinky (Mercury) finger. Google is a good source for this aspect of palmistry. If you have questions about your paws, give Lynn a holler at

Try this:

Sit still for a moment and settle in. Take three full long breaths. Then write down the answers to these three questions. Allow a different page for each question.

• What do I do to feel more connected to source?

• What would I like to do more of to be connected to source?

• What is in my life that keeps me connected to source?

Keep these lists nearby where you can see them and add to them over the next two weeks. No need to take any other action here. The Full Moon is the time for reflection. We'll jump into action in our next LUNAPHASES with the New Moon of Pisces.

The Full Moon of Compassion is not just about opening your heart to others and offering love. (Though Pisces IS the sign of great service and heartful offering). It is the time of the greatest compassion for yourself as you travel and witness your journey. It's a time to soften a bit and recognize that your ongoing efforts to evolve and grow are often taxing and difficult. We must all gives ourselves a collective BREAK.

So, use this Pisces moon to grow quiet, breathe deeply, listen intently and prepare for the full bursting forward momentum of Spring.

Coming up on the Horizon:
The New Moon in Pisces on March 7th.

Let us know what you decide to take on. We would love to hear from you! If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

AQUARIUS -- The New Moon of Enlivened Community

Hanging with my peeps! It's a great time to build community with the New Moon in Aquarius and the Hand Analysis Skill Set of Being Yourself Within the Context of Family and Community.

The New Moon of Enlivened Community
Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 7:44 pm PST


The New Moon is the time to jump into action – and now is the time for you to find your peeps. They’re out there – so go ahead and increase your numbers.

About 10 years ago in Santa Fe, Heidi's mother went out to lunch with a few friends. They half-heartedly ordered their meals. But when it was time for desert, they all became very excited. That was when they discovered a shared love. Sweets. They chose to name themselves "The Dessert Dames." To this day, they meet once a month for lunch. Skipping the main course, they order chocolate cake. They are all juicy, creative artists. They love this group. And it nourishes them.

In Hand Analysis, there is a skill set for developing family and community. The skill needed is simply to be who you are within the context of your family and community. Simply, sure. If it were that simple, we would all be doing it, and nobody would ever feel like an outsider.

So, let's break this down into two tangible components:

1) Identify, Display and Communicate your feelings at the appropriate level in the moment that they are occurring – within the context of your family. Warning: Practicing this with your family may be the most difficult thing to do... remember that this is a skill, and all skills can be learned. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. (For a more detailed explanation of this skill set, see LUNAPHASES 2007 New Moon in Gemini – the Moon of Right Relationship.)

Notice what happens when you consider actually doing this... what are your fears? What is at stake? What do you suppose would actually happen to your family if you spoke your truth?

2) Bringing your unique identity into the room. This means sharing your own take on life – and possibly being rejected for it. Key: If you are rejected for sharing your uniqueness – These Are Not Your Peeps.

You are with your peeps when you find yourself expressing your identity without shifting or contorting yourself to fit in. Also, you will find community being drawn to you because of your unique perspectives and gifts.

This time will be particularly potent for people with markings on, or physical challenges with their Left Thumb. Google is a good source on this aspect of Hand Analysis. If you would like for Lynn to take a gander at your paws, contact her at

From an Astrological perspective, the best thing we can do during the Aquarius New Moon is to focus on building community. This is the time to join a writing group, get on line and participate in a political forum or invite your friends who love to hike on a new adventure every Saturday morning.

The internet is ruled by Aquarius. It links us. We can share and distribute information. We can sound our note and see who responds. Sound your note. Go in search of people. Create your own forum. Or go out into the world and attend classes, a book signing or a concert.

The time is now to unite with like-minded folk who are moving forward toward what you love. Go join them.

Coming up on the Horizon:
We delve into a new level of sensitivity with the Full Moon in Pisces and Hand Analysis gift of Clairvoyance.

Let us know what you decide to take on. We would love to hear from you! If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!