Sunday, December 23, 2007
CAPRICORN - The Full Moon of Structured Ascent
Go tell it on the Mountain: Now is the time to focus in on your goals with the Full Moon in Capricorn and the Hand Analysis skill set of Self Worth through Discipline.
CAPRICORN -- The Full Moon of Structured Ascent
Sunday, December 23, 2007, 5:15 pm PST
The Full Moon in Capricorn asks you to identify the mountain in your life that you must climb. It is a mountain of achievement. It's a very specific mountain, a mountain you have chosen, a mountain that is your ultimate test.
You may have known this mountain for years already. You may be well on your way to the top. Or you may have just arrived at its base. In either case, the only way to reach the summit is through steady, practical, sober steps towards the light at the top.
The New Year ushers in a new refreshing energy. You reaffirm the presence of the great mountain in your life. You recommit to the mountain ascent. But too often, the reaffirmation, recommitment or resolution is not grounded. Your well-intentioned resolutions fall by the wayside because you overlook the small, grounded steps that it takes to reach the summit goal.
Hand Analysis to the rescue! Now is the time to focus your excited new energy on a single point -- and with the Hand Analysis skill set of Self Worth through Discipline, you'll have greater momentum to reach your goals.
Your Self Discipline is directly proportional to your Self Worth. It's not fun. It's not sexy. But it's true.
Lynn is taking six months to train for the Los Angeles marathon. (March 2, 2008!) She has never run before in her life... and she's on the other side of 40-years-old. By participating in a structured marathon-training program, she is incrementally building up her endurance and mileage. Last weekend, she ran 20 miles! She follows strict pacing guidelines and has incurred no blisters or injuries... although the lactic acid build up in her legs was excruciating. Amazingly, two days later, she was completely recovered from her 20-mile run.
Already, Lynn has exceeded her expectations of her own physical capabilities. Through weekly runs in a supportive and structured environment, she has surpassed her own perceived physical limitations. She feels triumphant. (If you would like to support her in her efforts of raising funds for the Aids Project, Los Angeles, please click here.)
Here's the key to making your resolutions stick:
● Break it down. How long do you have to complete your goal? Create your time frame. Then break down the big picture into little pieces. What are you doing this week... next week...
● Take Human Bites. Take steps that are actually achievable. Your self worth grows with the success of each step.
● Share your progress with your friends. It is with support and a cheering section that you will break through to the next phase.
From an Astrological perspective, Capricorn energy is steady and diligent, if you are willing, and it offers you a promise of extraordinary light when you achieve your goal.
The planet Saturn rules Capricorn. Saturn offers structure and discipline. It rules work. It rules time, mortality and the energy of the father.
If Saturn were to speak at the time of the full moon, it would say, "I am here so that you may learn to be the true parent of your life. I am here to remind you that you have work to do and that you are fully capable of doing it, if you choose to address each task systematically and with great patience and discipline. I am here to truly set you free by insisting you do the work you are here to do."
At this Full Moon, be your own kind Saturn. Say to yourself, "I am here to be the parent in my life. I am here to remind myself that I am fully capable of doing whatever I set out to do."
Realize that you and only you can achieve unimaginable success (spiritual or material) by doing the work, day by day, that is before you.
So, Yes -– set that goal, and Yes -– make those New Year's resolutions. In the next LUNAPHASES, we will take the one that speaks to you the loudest and offer support in making it happen.
Coming up on the Horizon:
Making your New Year's resolution concrete with the New Moon in Capricorn and the Hand Analysis Skill set of Creating a Solid Foundation.
Let us know what you are doing -– we would love to hear from you! If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
SAGITTARIUS – The New Moon of Direction and Vision
Ready... Aim... Fire! The next two weeks are the perfect time to bring your dreams into reality with the New Moon in Sagittarius and the Hand Analysis skill set to Recognize Your Own Desires.
Sagittarius -- The New Moon of Direction and Vision
Sunday, December 9, 2007, 9:40 am PST
Imagine that you are standing in a field. You hold a bow and arrow and before you are hundreds of targets. You are an archer. As an archer during the Full Moon time, you noticed all the targets and, perhaps, became excited by all the possibilities -- but haven't shot your arrow yet. You haven't chosen your target. You held the bow and arrow taut. You have been planning, envisioning and feeling the freedom inherent in hitting the right bull's eye dead on.
During the New Moon phase, you choose the target that is the grandest adventure, the most alluring bull's eye. Sagittarius is a sign deeply related to vision. Now is the time to scan the horizon and discover what goal or path beckons most clearly. Now is the time to make that bold choice, that clear decision.
In Hand Analysis, there is a common marking which indicates that truly knowing your own desires would be very difficult. The Bitter Pill (lines forming an oval located at the base of the palm) appears very early in life as you learn to take on the desires of others as though they were your own. This may lead to choosing a major in college or a career path, that you later determine was following the desires and aspirations of those around you -- and was not what you ever really wanted for yourself. It could take the majority of your life to break apart this belief system to access you own true desires.
Now is the time to step toward accessing your true desires!
Here again are those nifty tools from our last LUNAPHASES issue designed to help you develop a deeper understanding of your own dreams. Try some of these suggestions:
● Go to a news stand and purchase a number of travel magazines. Clip out photos that resonate with you.
● Purchase a photo album, journal or three-ring-binder to use as your This Is What My Life Will Look Like book.
● Create a list of what you WANT in your life and start each item with, I WANT... There are no wrong things to put on this list. This is your time to dream. See how much permission you can give yourself during the next two weeks.
● Notice the voice that comes up that says, "That's too big" or "You don't deserve that." That voice is there to protect you... however it's not helping you right now. Ask yourself, "Who’s voice is that?" (Hint: It's NOT yours! You heard it from someone else first.) "Where did I get that message?" Just notice it for now, since the Full Moon is the time for inner reflection. No need to take any action here.
From an Astrological perspective, the Sagittarius phrase is "I see the goal. I reach the goal and then I see another."
There will be one desire that speaks out the loudest. It may be as monumental as picking up and moving, or as immediate as making sure you see snow this winter.
Now matter how big -- or seemingly small -- this loudest voice is, now is the time to focus your energy on making it happen. Please let us know what you are choosing! We would love to hear from you!
In the last year, Heidi and four other co-founders have been following the path of The HELLO LOVE Experiment. The experiment began in Los Angeles but turned into a Sagittarian experimental journey throughout the country. Heidi and her cohorts are hoping it travels throughout the world. This grew out of a vision to explore how we all might embody love more fully. Last year at a conference, Heidi turned to her friend and said, "I'm going to be following the path of HELLO LOVE for at least 20 years." There was a profound sense that finally the archer's arrow had found the right bull's eye.
When you trust your intuition and dare to focus all your energy in what feels right for you, you will create a more expansive and fulfilling life.
Coming up on the Horizon:
The Full Moon in Capricorn on December 23rd.
We would love to hear from you. If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Friday, November 23, 2007
SAGITTARIUS -- The Full Moon of Dreams and Vision
I DREAM, THEREFORE I AM: The next two weeks are the perfect time to expand your horizons with the Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Hand Analysis skill set of I Want.
SAGITTARIUS -- The Full Moon of Dreams and Vision
Saturday, November 24, 2007, 6:30 am PST
Join Heidi on a journey back to the 70's, and the days of FREE TO BE YOU AND ME. If you were a parent or a child at that time, you might remember the record (yes, record) as well as the book. In the book, there is a picture of a boy and a girl, hand in hand, running in a land "where the children are free, free to be you and me." Horses run next to them on the open plains. They are full of idealism, energy and direction.
Welcome to Sagittarius -- the sign of exuberance, travel, freedom and the big vision. During the full moon of Sagittarius, it's your opportunity to set yourself free to explore -- you can receive the vision. You begin to open to the adventure that lies ahead. In two weeks, during the New Moon, will be the time to jump into action. During this month, you travel, take classes and envision or re-vision your life.
In Hand Analysis, we revisit the skill set of "I Want" and take it to another level. Last month, we focused on how to reclaim your power in your life. Now, you can use the same skill set to Write the Life You Want to Live.
Now is the time to think BIG -- beyond limits -- BIG. Envision what you want your life to look like. Now -- go beyond what feels safe. Dream big.
Try this:
● Go to a news stand and purchase a number of travel magazines. Clip out photos that resonate with you.
● Purchase a photo album, journal or three-ring-binder to use as your This Is What My Life Will Look Like book.
● Create a list of what you WANT in your life and start each item with, I WANT... There are no wrong things to put on this list. This is your time to dream. See how much permission you can give yourself during the next two weeks.
● Notice the voice that comes up that says, "That's too big" or "You don't deserve that." That voice is there to protect you... however it's not helping you right now. Ask yourself, "Who’s voice is that?" (Hint: It's NOT yours! You heard it from someone else first.) "Where did I get that message?" Just notice it for now, since the Full Moon is the time for inner reflection. No need to take any action here.
From an Astrological perspective, the Sagittarius phrase is "I see the goal. I reach the goal and then I see another." During the full moon of Sagittarius, you can open yourselves to renewed hope, optimism and the energy to Quest.
There is a specific marking in Hand Analysis called the Quest Marking. This resonates with people who, ultimately, your life and work are one and the same. This is not to be confused with identifying yourself with your profession. The Quest marking shows up on a person who seeks the meaning of their life, and then that meaning shows up in their work in their 50's and 60's.
The Quest aspect comes to fruition after dabbling in various forms of employment and life experiences. During that time you pick and choose skills that will be combined to create a completely unique contribution to the world through your work. As a result, your path can not be compared to anybody else's. You are on your own time frame. If this resonates with you and you would like more information, contact Lynn at
So in the Free-to-Be-70's style, use the Sagittarius Full Moon to remember:
(1) The glass IS half-full.
(2) We are all radically free to make our life an adventure.
(3) Your joyous journey (and first goal) awaits.
Coming up on the Horizon:
Sagittarius New Moon on December 9th brings your dreams to life.
We would love to hear from you. If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
SCORPIO – The New Moon of Test, Trial and Triumph
Embrace your inner super hero. The next two weeks are the perfect time to activate your own power with the New Moon in Scorpio and the Hand Analysis Skill set of Power.
Scorpio -- The New Moon of Test, Trial and Triumph
November 9, 2007, 3:03 pm PST
"Is there anyone really ALIVE out there?" -- Bruce Springsteen
Heidi's husband loves Bruce Springsteen, and on a recent long drive down the coast Heidi listened to Bruce taunt the crowd about 10 times with that question. Each time the crowd roared with greater gusto.
Perhaps some of us are feeling -- during this Scorpio month -- like screaming, "Is there anyone really ALIVE IN here?" It's very possible during this time that many of us are feeling a bit stuck in our patterns of feeling powerless and overwhelmed. These feelings may also manifest as "Am I really STILL stuck in this particular pattern -- after ALL these years???"
Thankfully, Hand Analysis offers the perfect skill set to break this pattern -- the skill set of Power. During the New Moon, it's time to activate this skill set.
The key to accessing your power is two-fold:
▪ Find, claim and protect your emotional space with the use of "I AM..." statements.
▪ Know and embrace your own desires with the use of "I WANT..." statements.
Here's how to apply this idea:
1. Create a log of your daily activities for one week.
2. Next to each activity, note:
"I AM feeling... about this" or
"This activity makes me feel..." and
"I WANT this activity to be like..."
3. Compare what your days look like to the way you want them to look like.
4. Then circle three (3) activities that call out to you the loudest and you are ready to change.
Share them with us. We would love to hear.
Oftentimes, when you are not in your own power, you become resentful -- of other people, or your job, or where you feel overburdened.
Resentment is the result of you getting off track with what is right for you.
It's not as simple as learning to say, "no"... our apologies, Nancy Reagan. It goes beyond "no." It's "I am not okay with that" or "I want to do things differently" for example.
When you establish what you want, you are Taking A Stand For Who You Are. By taking a stand for who you are, you build respect -- self-respect for speaking up for yourself, and respect from those around you.
Try this:
Make a list of what you currently resent in your life. Then go back through time to determine at which point each situation no longer worked for you. Maybe what you signed on at first was a good idea, but became more demanding as time went on. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to begin with.
It's very important for you to know at which point you chose to participate in things that do not work for you. This will help you avoid building resentment in the future.
And... you may be in the position to clear things up by coming clean with your feelings. Here's an example: "I'm sorry you've been getting weird signals from me. I just haven't been taking care of myself. You know, had I been on my game, I would have said two weeks ago that I wasn't really available."
From an Astrological perspective, the New Moon in Scorpio offers you the opportunity to be a warrior for yourself -- brandish your metaphorical sword and dive into patterns that have become intolerable.
You must stand your ground in your own inner landscape and declare "Enough!" The New Moon in Scorpio is the perfect moment to dance with power in a new way. You must face -- again and again -- what is making your life less than desirable. Then reclaim your power for the good, for yourself, for your passions. The trial of Scorpio is showing up to face the dark, repeatedly, until you see it as an opportunity to fully step into your true self.
What do you want to emerge victorious over? Fill in this sentence: I am Victor over ___________. What? Sloth? Self-sabotage? Self-pity? Fear? Reluctance? Procrastination? During this Scorpio New Moon, you can go a long way to making that statement ring with TRUTH. Hang it on your mirror. Say it with gusto!
Is there anybody really ALIIIIIIVEEE in there?
Lynn continues to train for the upcoming Los Angeles AIDS Marathon and has just run 12 miles! At about 8 miles, it becomes very challenging, but the thought of accomplishing her lifetime record is what motivated her through the rough spot. At mile 10, it became clear that she was nearly home -- and she kept her training group right on pace! No easy task. This takes a level of commitment and challenge that is unlike any other in her life. Talk about feeling victorious! If you find this inspiring and would like to sponsor Lynn, please click here:
Coming up on the Horizon:
After Scorpian triumph comes freedom at all costs in the Sagittarius Full Moon on November 24th.
We would love to hear from you. If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
SCORPIO - The Full Moon of Test, Trial and Triumph
Look INTO the light... look INTO the light: The Full Moon in Scorpio is the perfect time to turn inward and notice your relationship to your own power. This is the test you must face, the trial you must undergo and the eventual triumph that is yours, if you do the work.
SCORPIO - The Full Moon of Test, Trial and Triumph
October 25, 2007, 10:51 pm PDT
It is now necessary to engage fully. You are entering the month when it is no longer wise or possible to sit quietly at the sidelines of the game. The Scorpio energy is all about wrestling with the dark in yourself and in the world. How do you engage your power for good and for ill? How do you wrestle towards the light?
Hand Analysis offers the perfect skill set for the month of Scorpio: The skill set to access your own Power. The Full Moon is the time for inward reflection. So, for these next two weeks, just begin to notice where in your life you stand in your power and where you give your power away.
Here's how:
Look for the telltale signs of standing in your power:
● You become a leader.
● You experience your own authority and positive influence over others.
● You stand your ground.
● You live your passions.
● You are able to empower your desires.
● You experience a strong sense of self and personal power.
Notice how/where you give your power away:
● You feel overwhelmed and helpless.
● Your boundaries become unclear and are not respected by others.
● You feel violated.
● You lose your sense of self.
● You become foggy and go emotionally numb.
Take advantage of the next two weeks to look inward and perform a little inventory of your life. Become more aware when you experience these aspects on a daily level. With the New Moon in Scorpio in two weeks, you'll be going to the next level of this skill set and move into action.
This will particularly resonate with people who have very strong pointer (Jupiter) fingers, or power give-away markings. Google is a great resource for this aspect of Hand Analysis information. For a closer look at your own hands, give Lynn a call.
From an Astrological perspective, the phrase for Scorpio is:
"Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant."
It's easy for Scorpio to be a time when the darker aspects of your personalities take hold. Scorpio rules the nine heads of the Hydra and each head creates a test within us.
The nine heads are:
● sex
● money
● comfort
● fear
● hatred
● ambition
● pride
● separativeness
● cruelty
Each of us has a head (or two) that saps your true power. When you spend your days letting any one of these heads "rule" as it were, you give away your strength.
That's why Scorpio rules the test you must face, the trial you must undergo and the eventual triumph that is yours if you do the work. You get to face yourself again and again. You get to be tested over a period of time. And then you can claim that you've done the work to stand more fully in your own light and positive use of power.
Create visual aids.
On an index card, write each of these words and put them up on a wall where you will see them every day for the next two weeks.
During the Scorpio Full Moon time, it is good to ask yourself where your true power is being misdirected. Which hydra head is ruling the day? Where is your life energy being sucked into negativity? Take this time for inner reflection.
And once you have the answer, you can remind yourself that you have the strength (through humility and perseverance) to win the day for your best self.
Coming up on the Horizon:
The Scorpio New Moon jumps us forward with Testing, Trials and Triumphs and you actualize what you want -- and how to get it -- with the next level of the Hand Analysis skill set for Power.
We would love to hear from you. If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
LIBRA - The New Moon of Decisive Action
JUMP! The next two weeks are the perfect time for you to jump into action around decision making and risk taking, with the New Moon in Libra and the Hand Analysis Skill for Wisdom.
New Moon in Libra – October 11, 2007, 5:01 am PDT
"Choose the way which lies between the two great lines of force."
What is the way "which lies between?" During the Full Moon, we discussed the necessity of “getting off the fence” and making a decision. Oftentimes, the reason it is difficult to make a decision is that each option feels extreme, far apart from or irreconcilable with the other. But, "the way that lies between" is the noble middle path. And the more you can explore this path, the more your life can gracefully unfold.
Whatever choices each of us must make, the noble middle path requires that we live from the perspective of the illumined mind. This is when the intuitive realm of the heart infuses the chattering, anxious mind. And the clarity of the mind infuses the sea of emotion. We must chart the path that blends the heart and mind.
Hand Analysis offers the perfect skill set for making decisions. This skill set gets you in touch with your wisdom. As we discussed in the Full Moon of Libra, your wisdom lives in your gut – not in your head. What you think is in your head. What you know is in your gut. Wisdom occurs when you get out of your head and go into your body so you can know what choice to make.
During the Full Moon, you noticed where in your life you are "sitting on the fence": now – let's move into action.
● Make a list of "I Want" and "I Am" statements regarding your decisions. For example, "I want more freedom." "I am not willing to stay in this unhappy situation."
● Breathe. Breathe deeply.
● Acknowledge the voices that come up telling you why you can't/shouldn't desire these changes in your life. These voices are there to "protect" you – and have worked for you in the past. Tell them – just as loudly as you hear them – they no longer serve you. Put them aside.
● Breathe again.
● Take an Action. Risk being right. Risk being wrong. Risking does not mean doing it right. Risking means doing it.
● While risking, repeat the phrase, "I'll be okay..." or "I am okay..." until you believe it. You are entering into a deeper level of trust and surrender – with yourself and with the Universe.
● Breathe again. Breathe long and hard.
When you take an action, the rest of your being engages and your head grows quiet. You become present in the moment and are not worrying about the future. Wisdom is found in the doing, not in the evaluation. It is completely experiential.
Taking an action gets you to participate in your life. Evaluation keeps you on the sidelines. Taking an action – any action – leads you to create your own outcome. Evaluation leads you to be at the constant affect of your surroundings.
Here is what you will learn when you jump off your fence:
Either –
1) You made the "right" choice – and – bravo – you can trust your gut more!
or –
2) You made the "wrong" choice – and what you will learn will propel you forward faster than taking the time to perform extensive research and weighing out all options.
The markings on your hands that most closely correspond to this are the Tented Arch fingerprint, which indicates a hesitancy to act and a tendency to over-think. Additionally, any challenge markers on your head line can serve as a warning signal that more action and less research is called for in your life. Google is a great resource to learn more about these aspects of palmistry. If you would like more insight into your own set of hands, give Lynn a call.
From an Astrological perspective, with Libra, we are all interested in creating balance, harmony and right human relationship. But the truth is that we all have the tendency to create extra anxiety, fear and depression by trying to work it all out in our head or by getting lost in a sea of emotion. The noble middle path here is living from the perspective of the illumined mind.
So, with this Libran new moon, acknowledge the "two paths" in your life. Just as Robert Frost did, stand before the "two roads diverged in a yellow wood."
Feel the part of you that hates to commit to one. Then, absolutely commit to one.
But also find ways to weave what is appealing about the other into your life. Do not dismiss it or turn your back on it or repress it. Feel the subtle heart connection that makes the other path appealing and determine to blend the best of that path with the path you have chosen.
Prepare to feel wobbly. And victorious.
Coming up on the horizon:
Take a stand for who you are with the Hand Analysis skill set for Power starting with the Full Moon of Scorpio on October 25.
We would love to hear from you. If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Monday, September 24, 2007
LIBRA - The Full Moon of Decisive Action
I think I’m going out of my head: Thinking, Thinking, Thinking… The next two weeks are the perfect time to turn inward and notice how you get stuck in weighing your options with the Full Moon in Libra and the Hand Analysis Skill Set of Pulling Your Head out of your… Heart.
Full Moon in Libra - September 26, 2007, 12:45 pm PDT
When Heidi was a kid, one of her favorite and most ridiculous jokes was, "What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?"
Answer: "Time to get a new fence."
Well, in Libra, the truth is: It's time to get rid of the fence all together. In Libra, you want to stop your metaphorical fence-sitting.
The Libran Full Moon is an opportunity to discern what is keeping you from making a decision -- and moving forward in a certain aspect of your life. Libra allows you to bridge the information gathering center of your Head with the all-knowing wisdom of your Heart. When these two are balanced, you are able to make the most effective decisions. Trouble comes when your head is doing the work of your heart.
HAND ANALYSIS offers the perfect skill set for Decision-Making. This skill set teaches you to Separate your head from your heart for clarity and forward movement. The next two weeks are a time for reflection, so for now, just focus on recognizing when you are in your head when you are attempting to make a decision.
That feeling you get when you know something is right for you comes from either your emotional being -- your heart -- or even deeper in your physical being -- your "gut"... and not from your head. No matter how hard you try, you can not intellectually figure out what feels right for you.
This is what your head is for: Processing Information. That's it. Nothing more. This is not an emotional task.
Decision-Making Paralysis sets in when you get stuck in weighing out your options. The first step to moving forward is to recognize when you are in your head.
Here's a helpful guide:
You are in your head when:
- You hear the words, "yeah, but..." come out of your mouth.
- You are projecting future outcome. For example, "Yeah, but I am feeling right now like if I try this I am going to just end up failing and that will just make me feel worse than ever."
- You are trying to connect with someone and you are explaining your feelings. For example, "I am feeling that if you were to just consider my position, then you would know how I feel..." This, my friend, is an intellectual attempt to have an emotional exchange... which will only lead to a mental discussion -- and you will not feel seen or heard.
For the next two weeks, notice when you are in your head. That's it. No need to do anything about it. Just notice. This will really position you well for the upcoming Libra New Moon -- when you get to put your knowledge into action.
Take advantage of this time to be reflective and consider... what are the choices that are keeping you on your fence.
Coming up on the horizon:
Jump into action and make the decisions you’ve been waiting to make with the New Moon in Libra on October 11th and the Hand Analysis Skill set of Wisdom.
We would love to hear from you. If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Monday, September 10, 2007
VIRGO - New Moon of Discrimination and Purification
It’s back to school days. The next two weeks are the perfect time to activate the refining and purifying energy of the New Moon in Virgo with the Hand Analysis skill set for Success.
New Moon in Virgo - September 11, 2007, 5:44 am PDT

In Hand Analysis, there is a skill set for success. We define success as generating measurable and tangible results – and – bringing projects to completion. Conversely, when you are unable to complete something in time, your experience is failure. Here are the two components for success:
Nothing stimulates completion like a good deadline. It’s human behavior to often wait to the last minute – so give yourself a last minute. The key is to also give yourself bite-sized doable tasks that you can accomplish within a realistic time frame.
Often times, it’s what you gain out of not achieving your results that catapult you into a deeper level of understanding about your project – making it better.
From an Astrological perspective, this particular new moon is full of the energy of change and authenticity. Uranus is opposing both the sun and the moon. Don’t be surprised if your comfort zone is shaken over the next couple of weeks. You may find sudden unexpected changes and rules broken. What will come out is your truth about your passion in work. When you know what your greatest truth is, then you can go about achieving your most rewarding visions and dreams. You can then use the Virgo New Moon energy to be of real service. You offer the most, after all, when you offer deeply and completely who you are.
So name your school for the next few weeks and come up with a few creative class titles. Heidi is currently attending the “School of focusing on the next small task at hand amidst a creative life explosion.”
Lynn, after four years of a sedentary lifestyle working in various desk jobs, has taken on a six-month commitment to get back in her body. She signed up to participate in the Los Angeles Marathon – having never run before in her life! The training program is very reasonable, structured with doable bite-sized running times and dates. 500 first-time runners are in this program and they have an 80 percent success rate of people crossing the finish line. And – she will be raising at least $1,500 towards AIDS research. You’ll be hearing more about Lynn’s commitment in upcoming LUNAPHASES. (Wish her luck!)
Let us know what you are inspired to take on.
Coming up on the horizon:
The Full Moon in Libra, on September 26th, brings in the time for Right Human Relationships with the Hand Analysis approach to distinguishing between the head and the heart.
We would love to hear from you. If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Monday, August 27, 2007
VIRGO – The Full Moon of Discrimination and Purification
You know those stray socks you've been collecting hoping their match will show up? might be time to let them go. The next two weeks are the perfect time to assess where you are ready to purge with the Full Moon in Virgo and the Hand Analysis approach to Holistic Organization.
Full Moon in Virgo - August 28, 2007, 3:35 am PDT

Our Leo month was one of expression and identity. Hopefully, we began to explore the courage to create. Something delicious and creative might even be underway. The Virgo full moon is a time to hold our creative work to the task -- to put it through the threshing machine, if you will. What needs to be refined, purified, edited or stream lined? It might be a creative project. It might be your house. It might be YOU.
From a Hand Analysis perspective, about a year ago, Lynn naturally began to develop an approach to Life Organization and included it in her list of services. Here are the Life Organization principles:
So, when you enter your home it's as though
two arms are outstretched to receive you.
Your office environment should support and stimulate you
to create fulfilling and rewarding work.
Your closet has a floor -- and you have the ability to find it.
People let go of things when -- and only when -- they are ready. Some people respond well to shock-treatment clutter purging. Some people let go in phases. Honor the way that best supports you.
Take advantage of the net two weeks to turn inward and ask yourself, “Where am I willing to let go?” Now is the time for assessment. You may be surprised at what your wise inner voice tells you.
From an astrological perspective, the beauty of letting go in Virgo is that it clears the way for new work. After we look at ourselves, our living situations and our creative work with scrutiny and discrimination, we can lay the path for joyous new commitment. We can actually SEE the new work through the clutter.
So, do you want to get back to the gym? Eat better? Purify your THOUGHTS? Edit your novel? Clean your house? Use this Virgo Full Moon to envision the great cleanse. It's like preparing the space for an honored guest. Make the space beautiful and it will be inhabited with sweetness.
Also -- single socks are great for dusting… and puppetry.
One additional note: This full moon is also the time of a Lunar eclipse at 5 degrees Virgo. This eclipse highlights Virgo energy for the next six months particularly for those of you with strong Virgo in your astrological chart (and planets near 5 degrees Virgo or Pisces).
Coming up on the Horizon:
We put the cleansing and purifying energy of Virgo into action with the New Moon and Hand Analysis skill set of creating Success on September 11th.
We would love to hear from you. If you feel inspired to try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
LEO - The New Moon of Self-Expression
STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT: Now is the time to RISK offering your full, radiant self to the world. Use the next two weeks to activate the self-expressive energy of the New Moon in Leo with support of the Hand Analysis skill set of Managing Fear of Rejection.
New Moon in Leo - August 12, 2007, 11:03 pm PDT

We all have a secret. It's something we've always wanted to do but don't think we can. Whether it's writing a book, skydiving, or opening up to love. During this Leo new moon, it's time to risk. It's time to lay it on the line. Fear and doubt are our greatest obstacles. It's time to burn through those obstacles with vision, enthusiasm and the belief in Self.
Hand Analysis offers the perfect skill set to help support you during this high-risk time: How to Manage Your Fear of Rejection. To understand this principle, first understand the difference between fear of rejection and being rejected.
Being rejected has…
a beginning
a middle
and an end.
You show up with your uniqueness, people respond with some version of “No, thank you,” and you go away having been officially rejected. It feels horrible. Then your friends come over with lots of tissues. They offer their perspectives. You share your feelings of your experience. Then, after some time, you feel better. And -- bonus -- you come out of the experience having gained wisdom.
Fear of rejection is paralyzing. It keeps you from entering the room -- or participating in your life.
What to do:
1) Recognize you are in Fear of Rejection.
2) Call a friend. Tell them you are stuck outside of the room -- just sharing your experience moves you forward.
3) Set a date to perform your scary task.
4) Just Do It!
Here’s the key: the more frequently you risk rejection, the more you see that each time is another step in deepening your creativity.
From an astrological perspective, this is an amazing Leo new moon. Saturn and Venus are sharing the exact same degree of Leo. This means that there is tremendous support at this time to commit in creativity or love or both. Pluto is also at the ascendant (the most powerful point in a horoscope), bringing the dark to light and clearing away all obstacles.
This new moon asks you to:
1) Write, speak or admit to your secret yearning to EXPRESS in some way;
2) Lovingly examine what you name as your obstacles; and
3) Commit in some small way -- even in the face of those obstacles -- to make our creative vision manifest.

Coming Up on the Horizon:
In the next LUNAPHASES, August 28th marks a very special Full Moon in Virgo during a lunar eclipse. This stimulates your chart for the next six months around purification and health.
Special Offer:
Hand Analysis read with Lynn to focus on your Life Purpose. For LUNAPHASES readers during the month of August, if you schedule a first time reading with Lynn, the cost will be
We would love to hear from you. If you feel inspired to try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
LEO - The Full Moon of Self-Expression
TO BE OR NOT TO BE: Step into the spotlight and express your radiant self. The next two weeks are the perfect time to access the self-expressive energy of the Full Moon in Leo and to utilize the Hand Analysis skill set of building, accepting and risking your own identity.
Full Moon in Leo - July 29, 2007, 5:48 pm PDT

The full moon is the time to turn inward and question whether we identify more with the cowardly or courageous lion. We ask, “What must I express?” Leo gives us the boost to dare to be who we are. It kicks our cowardly lion in the pants.
In Hand Analysis, the artist is the most common Life Purpose. Your Life Purpose is what makes you feel most alive and is the reason you are here. Having an artist purpose means that what is the easiest, most enjoyable and fun for you is your creative self-expression. This requires developing your own sense of individuality -- which for many people comes very naturally. The more you express your individual nature, the more willing you are to show up in places where you would risk rejection... and risking rejection is key here. To the degree that you risk rejection for expressing yourself is the degree that you will be able to experience yourself as your unique artist... and is the degree that everyone else gets to benefit from what you have to offer.
Take advantage of the next two weeks to assess where in your life you shine. Then toast yourself for showing up fully. Really. Don't think about doing it, really do it. Go ahead and pour yourself your favorite beverage and raise your glass.
Also, take some time to consider the areas where you hold yourself back. Ask yourself what is at stake if you were to fully express yourself? How do you benefit by holding back? How might you benefit from actually expressing yourself in the scariest places?
From an astrological perspective, anyone with strong Leo in his chart often is in love with the spotlight or the stage. The key with Leo energy is to celebrate one's radiance without becoming self-centered. Leo can assume that the world is all about him and little else. But a soul-centered Leo will ask how his strong, creative personality can serve the greater good. The task for Leo is to utilize the balancing, group-oriented energy of Aquarius and give his gift for the benefit of the group and not simply for the praise, attention or recognition.
This month of Leo is the time to come out of hiding and shine forth with all your most beautiful creative offerings. Take this full moon time to imagine yourself as a sun radiating your greatest gifts!
Coming Up on the Horizon:
In the next LUNAPHASES, with the New Moon in Leo on August 12th, we will activate the bright creative energy of Leo and take apart fear of rejection with the skill sets of Hand Analysis.
Special Offer:
Hand Analysis read with Lynn to focus on your Life Purpose. For LUNAPHASES readers during the month of August, if you schedule a first time reading with Lynn, the cost will be $100. Check out for more information. (You don’t need to be in Los Angeles!) For a returning reading to focus on your Life Purpose, $75 for LUNAPHASES readers during August.
We would love to hear from you. If you feel inspired to try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
CANCER - The New Moon of Security
THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME: Creating an environment that nurtures you -- as though there are two outstretched arms to receive you. The next two weeks are the perfect time to unite the mothering energy of the New Moon in Cancer with the Hand Analysis skill set of Self-Care.
New Moon in Cancer - July 14th, 5:04 am PST

From the astrological perspective, one of the phrases for cancer is, "The Whole is Seen as One." During this month, you have a tremendous opportunity to acknowledge all that unites us and the human family. Cancer offers an abundance of the great Mother energy to care for those who need it most in our family, community or world at large.
Hand analysis offers the perfect skill set to access this part of you. Rest, Relaxation and Rejuvenation for the purpose of Self Love. This taps into your own mothering energy, and enables you to feel safe in your environment.
How To Work This Skill Set: Live fully through your senses.
Access your sensuality. Conduct an inventory of your home through all five senses.
• SIGHT: Take a look around. Incorporate colors that soothe you. Use fabrics that energize the space. Place the furniture to welcome you and create order. Create lighting that illuminates, not overwhelms.
• SMELL: As you enter, breathe deeply. During the summer months, take advantage of the abundance of fresh flowers and herbs. Aromatherapy oils can be dispensed as air fresheners. Even the fragrances of your bathroom products, dish soap and cleaning products can affect how you feel at home.
• SOUND: Whether it’s a fountain, wind chimes or your favorite music, fill your home with your favorite sounds. Also, consider which sounds best support you as you go to sleep and the first sounds to best help you greet your day.
• TASTE: Focus your attention on what you taste. Eat food that feels really nourishing and good to your system. Take advantage of locally grown seasonal crops for great self-care and support of your community.
• TOUCH: Perform a rub test. Rub your towels, sheets and clothing against your skin to see how good they feel. Treat yourself to bath products that feel nurturing.
Over the next two weeks see where your home feels wonderful and where it needs attention. Focus on one area that calls to you the loudest. If you don’t know where to start, it may help to address one corner of one room.
Notice that as you pay attention to your living space, your physical body and well-being are deeply affected as well. Notice that as you create beauty or light within your physical body or physical home, you naturally open to a greater flow of love. Notice that as you offer yourself the great mothering energy, you will have increasing reserves of that same energy to extend to humanity. As you increase the radiance in your life through the loving attention you pay to your living space, you cannot help but shine your light and nourishment upon the world.
Coming up on the horizon:
In the next LUNAPHASES, the Full Moon in Leo on July 29th brings in the energy of identity, as we ask "Who am I and what must I express?"
We would love to hear from you. If you feel inspired to try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog !
Friday, June 29, 2007
CANCER - The Full Moon of Security
CREATING SECURITY: Feeling safe and secure in the moment, in your life, in the present and in the future. The next two weeks are the perfect time to unite the energy of the Full moon in Cancer with the Hand Analysis skill set of living your life in balance.
Full Moon in Cancer - June 30, 6:49 am PST

Contrary to popular belief, feeling secure is not dependent on your finances. Nor is it dependent on the state of your love life. Really. No matter how much money you have, you feel only as secure as your life is in balance. And, no matter how happily partnered you may be, you feel only as secure as your life is in balance.
Fortunately, Hand Analysis offers a skill set for this balancing act. It is based on the Rules of the 24-hour day. Living on this planet, we are all subject to the same time constraints: There are only 24 hours in one day.
During that time, your body needs:
• eight (8) hours to sleep,
• eight (8) hours to work, and
• eight (8) hours to balance out the rest of your day.
The skill set is shifting the areas that are out of balance for a more even life experience.
If you feel these rules do not apply to you, and you have no problem living on 5-1/2 hours of sleep for your 12-hour work day (include your commute time in that), then take advantage of the next two weeks to make a few mental assessments. Consider various aspects of your life: your home, job, future, relationship, car. Then ask yourself, on a scale of 1 –10, "How secure do I feel about (x)…?" Just notice.
From the astrological perspective, the phrase associated with the Cancer moon is, "I build a lighted house and therein dwell." The Cancer energy offers this thought: "True security comes from allowing the light of the soul to flow through your physical and spiritual home." The Cancer full moon is an opportunity to ask if your "house" is lit: what areas of your life are you avoiding, neglecting, casting into the shadows? How can you allow more of your soul's light to pour through your life? Now is the time to feel into your darkened, fearful, stuck places and illuminate them.
We often feel that these dark, habitual places are safe and secure when in fact the "light" of the soul and our stance in that light is the only true security. A Cancer deeply wants to live in the light but will easily retreat back to the dark waters if he feels unsafe. Encourage yourself to stay with the fear.
The key to a life in balance is in the breath.
Try this during the next two weeks: BREATHE
Think you already know how? Follow these steps:
Step 1: Exhale through your mouth.
Step 2: Keep exhaling. You think you're done, but you're not. Keep going until all the air is expelled.
Step 3: Inhale fully. Purse your lips as though you are sucking through a straw. Start filling up your belly, then your chest with air. See how much of your lung capacity you can access.
Repeat from beginning three times for three full breaths.
Take three full breaths at the beginning of every hour. It takes less than two minutes, but it can change your life. This is completely an experiential exercise. Just thinking about doing it will not result in the desired effect.
The oxygen flow tells your body that it is safe, causing your system to slow down and regulate. When this happens, you automatically start to redistribute your energy to areas in your life that need attention.
• Breathe and notice that you are safe even as you face this fear.
• Breathe and notice what it is you really want to care for and nourish.
• Trust that only by facing the fear, reactivity or crinkly place can you break through to offering your gift of healing and nourishment to the world.
Coming up on the horizon:
In the next LUNAPHASES, we jump into action with the energy of the New Moon in Cancer and the Hand Analysis skill sets of Self Care.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
GEMINI - The New Moon of Right Relationship
June 14th - 8:14 PDT
The new moon of each sign is a time to act and to begin. It’s a time to state our intentions clearly and move forward.

Heidi Rose Robbins, Astrologer
After collecting and meditating upon the energies of Gemini at the time of the full moon, the new moon gives us the opportunity to act upon the Gemini message.
This particular new moon finds Pluto opposing the moon and Mars sextile the moon. This is a time to LET GO of habitual relationship patterns. You’ll have some new energy and drive to GET OVER old behaviors.
We can use the energy of this new moon to explore relationship.
* How might we forge stronger, deeper relationships in very concrete ways?
* Who or what needs to be connected?
* Practically speaking, with whom should we network or build bridges during these next two weeks?
Very simply, think along these lines:
Bridge, relate, connect, teach, learn and experiment. And with this particular new moon, let go of old modes of relating. Try something new.
And even more simply, check out The Hello Love Experiment as an interesting practice for this Gemini new moon period. This practice reveals the love that underlies everything and that’s what Gemini is ultimately all about.

Hand Analysis
Lynn Jordan, Certified Hand Analyst
Hand Analysis offers the perfect skill set to help you let go of habitual relationship patterns. We call it EMOTIONAL AUTHENTICITY. Over the past two weeks, as the moon has been waning, we focused on the first two steps of this skill set: Identifying your feeling internally and Displaying it on your face or in your body – bringing it to the surface. Now it’s time to incorporate the third step: COMMUNICATING your feeling at the appropriate level with the other person as close to the moment as possible.
HERE’S HOW: You’ve identified and displayed your feeling – now – let a sound come out of your mouth. It doesn’t have to be in English. It doesn’t have to be a word. It just needs to be heard. Create a verbal signal to the other person that you are having a feeling. This provides the opportunity for you to be seen. Being seen is what allows for connection.
You have a 10-second window to utter a sound before it becomes a stuffed feeling.
Intellectualizing Your Feelings
Beware of the trap of TOO MANY WORDS – when you are monologuing about how you feel, or if you are explaining your feelings – YOU ARE IN YOUR HEAD. Take this as a cue to STOP TALKING. Feelings are simple. No matter how brainy you are, you cannot intellectually figure out your current emotional condition. Frustrating, but true.
WHAT TO DO: Revert back to monosyllabic expression. "I feel…mad, sad, hurt, glad, love, scared, happy" (all right, this one is two syllables, but that’s okay). I guarantee that expressing yourself with the vocabulary of a two-year-old is the way to deepen emotional connection. I mean it.
TRY THIS: Over the next two weeks, when you are alone – like in your car – just start an ongoing commentary: "How do I feel? I feel…(X)…How do I feel? I feel…(X)…" See how long you can keep it up. This is a great exercise to sensitize your feeling instrument.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
GEMINI - The Full Moon of Right Relationship
May 31 - 6:04 pm PDT
The full moon period is an opportunity to tune in with the highest vibration of a particular astrological sign and distribute it for the benefit of mankind.

Heidi Rose Robbins, Astrologer
The Full Moon of Gemini is the Full Moon of Right Human Relationship. It is called the Festival of Goodwill and is the moment each year when the love that underlies all things and relates all things is acknowledged and distributed.
The phrase for Gemini is "I see my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow." Here we acknowledge the presence of the soul and we choose to put our focus and identification in the realm of the soul as we integrate the personality. Gemini is a sign of great duality but its ultimate expression must be that of unity. The soul and personality must be as one -- just as any two people, ideas or countries must ultimately be one. Any polarity must find resolution.
At the Gemini full moon period, we might ask ourselves:
(1) With whom am I relating now? Is this relationship fruitful, productive, joyous? If not, how can I take one loving step to improve it?
(2) From whom must I learn? Whom must I teach?
(3) How can I act as a bridge between any two ideas, feelings or friends in my life?

Hand Analysis
Lynn Jordan, Certified Hand Analyst
Hand Analysis offers the perfect skill set to utilize the energy of the Full Moon in Gemini: EMOTIONAL AUTHENTICITY for the purpose of unconditional love for yourself and others!
Here's how it works. RULE #1 in relationship: I am having a feeling. You are having a feeling. We are two separate beings RELATING to each other. EASIER SAID THAN DONE.
As a matter of fact, Emotional Authenticity is the most common under-developed skill set of all the people I have read over the years. This is a great time to set your intention and deepen your connection to yourself and others.
Try this: for the next two weeks, as the moon is waning, focus on two things:
(1) INTERNALLY IDENTIFY YOUR FEELINGS. Think to yourself, "I am feeling...". Just notice your feelings as they occur. Then,
(2) DISPLAY YOUR FEELINGS IN YOUR BODY OR ON YOUR FACE . That's it. This will really tune up your emotional instrument and will strengthen the path between your internal emotional response and displaying it on the surface.
A good journaling exercise from May 31st to June 13th would be to start off each entry with the sentence, "I feel...". We'll take this a step further with the new moon in Gemini -- so until then, just set your intention on Identifying and Displaying your emotional experiences.
This skill set will be particularly important for people with: six or more fingerprints that are Loops, pointy finger tips, Water Heart Lines and the color blue in the palm.