Wednesday, June 13, 2007

GEMINI - The New Moon of Right Relationship

New Moon in Gemini
June 14th - 8:14 PDT

The new moon of each sign is a time to act and to begin. It’s a time to state our intentions clearly and move forward.



Heidi Rose Robbins, Astrologer

After collecting and meditating upon the energies of Gemini at the time of the full moon, the new moon gives us the opportunity to act upon the Gemini message.

This particular new moon finds Pluto opposing the moon and Mars sextile the moon. This is a time to LET GO of habitual relationship patterns. You’ll have some new energy and drive to GET OVER old behaviors.

We can use the energy of this new moon to explore relationship.

* How might we forge stronger, deeper relationships in very concrete ways?

* Who or what needs to be connected?

* Practically speaking, with whom should we network or build bridges during these next two weeks?

Very simply, think along these lines:

Bridge, relate, connect, teach, learn and experiment. And with this particular new moon, let go of old modes of relating. Try something new.

And even more simply, check out The Hello Love Experiment as an interesting practice for this Gemini new moon period. This practice reveals the love that underlies everything and that’s what Gemini is ultimately all about.


Hand Analysis

Lynn Jordan, Certified Hand Analyst

Hand Analysis offers the perfect skill set to help you let go of habitual relationship patterns. We call it EMOTIONAL AUTHENTICITY. Over the past two weeks, as the moon has been waning, we focused on the first two steps of this skill set: Identifying your feeling internally and Displaying it on your face or in your body – bringing it to the surface. Now it’s time to incorporate the third step: COMMUNICATING your feeling at the appropriate level with the other person as close to the moment as possible.

HERE’S HOW: You’ve identified and displayed your feeling – now – let a sound come out of your mouth. It doesn’t have to be in English. It doesn’t have to be a word. It just needs to be heard. Create a verbal signal to the other person that you are having a feeling. This provides the opportunity for you to be seen. Being seen is what allows for connection.

You have a 10-second window to utter a sound before it becomes a stuffed feeling.


Intellectualizing Your Feelings
Beware of the trap of TOO MANY WORDS – when you are monologuing about how you feel, or if you are explaining your feelings – YOU ARE IN YOUR HEAD. Take this as a cue to STOP TALKING. Feelings are simple. No matter how brainy you are, you cannot intellectually figure out your current emotional condition. Frustrating, but true.

WHAT TO DO: Revert back to monosyllabic expression. "I feel…mad, sad, hurt, glad, love, scared, happy" (all right, this one is two syllables, but that’s okay). I guarantee that expressing yourself with the vocabulary of a two-year-old is the way to deepen emotional connection. I mean it.

TRY THIS: Over the next two weeks, when you are alone – like in your car – just start an ongoing commentary: "How do I feel? I feel…(X)…How do I feel? I feel…(X)…" See how long you can keep it up. This is a great exercise to sensitize your feeling instrument.

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