Monday, September 24, 2007

LIBRA - The Full Moon of Decisive Action

I think I’m going out of my head:
Thinking, Thinking, Thinking… The next two weeks are the perfect time to turn inward and notice how you get stuck in weighing your options with the Full Moon in Libra and the Hand Analysis Skill Set of Pulling Your Head out of your… Heart.


Full Moon in Libra - September 26, 2007, 12:45 pm PDT

When Heidi was a kid, one of her favorite and most ridiculous jokes was, "What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?"

Answer: "Time to get a new fence."

Well, in Libra, the truth is: It's time to get rid of the fence all together. In Libra, you want to stop your metaphorical fence-sitting.

The Libran Full Moon is an opportunity to discern what is keeping you from making a decision -- and moving forward in a certain aspect of your life. Libra allows you to bridge the information gathering center of your Head with the all-knowing wisdom of your Heart. When these two are balanced, you are able to make the most effective decisions. Trouble comes when your head is doing the work of your heart.

HAND ANALYSIS offers the perfect skill set for Decision-Making. This skill set teaches you to Separate your head from your heart for clarity and forward movement. The next two weeks are a time for reflection, so for now, just focus on recognizing when you are in your head when you are attempting to make a decision.

That feeling you get when you know something is right for you comes from either your emotional being -- your heart -- or even deeper in your physical being -- your "gut"... and not from your head. No matter how hard you try, you can not intellectually figure out what feels right for you.

This is what your head is for: Processing Information. That's it. Nothing more. This is not an emotional task.

Decision-Making Paralysis sets in when you get stuck in weighing out your options. The first step to moving forward is to recognize when you are in your head.

Here's a helpful guide:

You are in your head when:

  • You hear the words, "yeah, but..." come out of your mouth.

  • You are projecting future outcome. For example, "Yeah, but I am feeling right now like if I try this I am going to just end up failing and that will just make me feel worse than ever."

  • You are trying to connect with someone and you are explaining your feelings. For example, "I am feeling that if you were to just consider my position, then you would know how I feel..." This, my friend, is an intellectual attempt to have an emotional exchange... which will only lead to a mental discussion -- and you will not feel seen or heard.

For the next two weeks, notice when you are in your head. That's it. No need to do anything about it. Just notice. This will really position you well for the upcoming Libra New Moon -- when you get to put your knowledge into action.

Take advantage of this time to be reflective and consider... what are the choices that are keeping you on your fence.

Coming up on the horizon:
Jump into action and make the decisions you’ve been waiting to make with the New Moon in Libra on October 11th and the Hand Analysis Skill set of Wisdom.

We would love to hear from you. If you try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!

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