Saturday, July 28, 2007
LEO - The Full Moon of Self-Expression
TO BE OR NOT TO BE: Step into the spotlight and express your radiant self. The next two weeks are the perfect time to access the self-expressive energy of the Full Moon in Leo and to utilize the Hand Analysis skill set of building, accepting and risking your own identity.
Full Moon in Leo - July 29, 2007, 5:48 pm PDT
The Leo's work is to SHINE, SHINE, SHINE and to lead the way with light, radiance and creativity. Leo is the sign of the radiant individual. It is the sign of the actor, the artist, the leader and the resplendent sun.
The full moon is the time to turn inward and question whether we identify more with the cowardly or courageous lion. We ask, “What must I express?” Leo gives us the boost to dare to be who we are. It kicks our cowardly lion in the pants.
In Hand Analysis, the artist is the most common Life Purpose. Your Life Purpose is what makes you feel most alive and is the reason you are here. Having an artist purpose means that what is the easiest, most enjoyable and fun for you is your creative self-expression. This requires developing your own sense of individuality -- which for many people comes very naturally. The more you express your individual nature, the more willing you are to show up in places where you would risk rejection... and risking rejection is key here. To the degree that you risk rejection for expressing yourself is the degree that you will be able to experience yourself as your unique artist... and is the degree that everyone else gets to benefit from what you have to offer.
Take advantage of the next two weeks to assess where in your life you shine. Then toast yourself for showing up fully. Really. Don't think about doing it, really do it. Go ahead and pour yourself your favorite beverage and raise your glass.
Also, take some time to consider the areas where you hold yourself back. Ask yourself what is at stake if you were to fully express yourself? How do you benefit by holding back? How might you benefit from actually expressing yourself in the scariest places?
From an astrological perspective, anyone with strong Leo in his chart often is in love with the spotlight or the stage. The key with Leo energy is to celebrate one's radiance without becoming self-centered. Leo can assume that the world is all about him and little else. But a soul-centered Leo will ask how his strong, creative personality can serve the greater good. The task for Leo is to utilize the balancing, group-oriented energy of Aquarius and give his gift for the benefit of the group and not simply for the praise, attention or recognition.
This month of Leo is the time to come out of hiding and shine forth with all your most beautiful creative offerings. Take this full moon time to imagine yourself as a sun radiating your greatest gifts!
Coming Up on the Horizon:
In the next LUNAPHASES, with the New Moon in Leo on August 12th, we will activate the bright creative energy of Leo and take apart fear of rejection with the skill sets of Hand Analysis.
Special Offer:
Hand Analysis read with Lynn to focus on your Life Purpose. For LUNAPHASES readers during the month of August, if you schedule a first time reading with Lynn, the cost will be $100. Check out for more information. (You don’t need to be in Los Angeles!) For a returning reading to focus on your Life Purpose, $75 for LUNAPHASES readers during August.
We would love to hear from you. If you feel inspired to try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
CANCER - The New Moon of Security
THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME: Creating an environment that nurtures you -- as though there are two outstretched arms to receive you. The next two weeks are the perfect time to unite the mothering energy of the New Moon in Cancer with the Hand Analysis skill set of Self-Care.
New Moon in Cancer - July 14th, 5:04 am PST
The new moon is the time to act with purpose and intention to manifest and make real the themes of Cancer. Over the next two weeks, focus on creating security, beauty and light in your environment by accessing universal mothering energy. This applies to men and women alike.
From the astrological perspective, one of the phrases for cancer is, "The Whole is Seen as One." During this month, you have a tremendous opportunity to acknowledge all that unites us and the human family. Cancer offers an abundance of the great Mother energy to care for those who need it most in our family, community or world at large.
Hand analysis offers the perfect skill set to access this part of you. Rest, Relaxation and Rejuvenation for the purpose of Self Love. This taps into your own mothering energy, and enables you to feel safe in your environment.
How To Work This Skill Set: Live fully through your senses.
Access your sensuality. Conduct an inventory of your home through all five senses.
• SIGHT: Take a look around. Incorporate colors that soothe you. Use fabrics that energize the space. Place the furniture to welcome you and create order. Create lighting that illuminates, not overwhelms.
• SMELL: As you enter, breathe deeply. During the summer months, take advantage of the abundance of fresh flowers and herbs. Aromatherapy oils can be dispensed as air fresheners. Even the fragrances of your bathroom products, dish soap and cleaning products can affect how you feel at home.
• SOUND: Whether it’s a fountain, wind chimes or your favorite music, fill your home with your favorite sounds. Also, consider which sounds best support you as you go to sleep and the first sounds to best help you greet your day.
• TASTE: Focus your attention on what you taste. Eat food that feels really nourishing and good to your system. Take advantage of locally grown seasonal crops for great self-care and support of your community.
• TOUCH: Perform a rub test. Rub your towels, sheets and clothing against your skin to see how good they feel. Treat yourself to bath products that feel nurturing.
Over the next two weeks see where your home feels wonderful and where it needs attention. Focus on one area that calls to you the loudest. If you don’t know where to start, it may help to address one corner of one room.
Notice that as you pay attention to your living space, your physical body and well-being are deeply affected as well. Notice that as you create beauty or light within your physical body or physical home, you naturally open to a greater flow of love. Notice that as you offer yourself the great mothering energy, you will have increasing reserves of that same energy to extend to humanity. As you increase the radiance in your life through the loving attention you pay to your living space, you cannot help but shine your light and nourishment upon the world.
Coming up on the horizon:
In the next LUNAPHASES, the Full Moon in Leo on July 29th brings in the energy of identity, as we ask "Who am I and what must I express?"
We would love to hear from you. If you feel inspired to try any of our suggestions, please tell us about your experience. Just email us or leave us a comment here on this blog !
hand analysis,
Heidi Rose Robbins,
Lynn Jordan,
new moon,
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